I consider service an essential component of academic life, as living in an ivory tower does not make much sense to me. I maintain a close engagement with academic, professional, and public communities via several roles that are detailed below.
Service to University of Victoria
2022: Acting Director of the MATRIX Institute (Sept-Dec)
2021: Special Advisor to the Dean of Engineering on EDI matters
2019-2021: Co-Champion (representing UVic Engineering) for the 30 by 30 Initiative of Engineers Canada
2019-2021: member of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Committee of the Faculty of Engineering
2018-2021: Graduate Advisor for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
2014-2016: elected member of the Senate of the University of Victoria
2011-2016: Graduate Advisor for Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (INTD) at UVic.
2012-2016: elected member of the ECE committee for Strategic Planning
2010-2012: elected member of the Faculty Advisory Committee (Promotion and Tenure) (representative of the ECE Department)
2009-2010: elected member of the Search Committee for the Vice-president Academic (representative of the Faculty of Engineering)
Service to Engineers Canada
November 2017: program visitor for Computer Engineering for accreditation visit at the University of Guelph
November 2012: program visitor for Computer Engineering for accreditation visit at the University of Manitoba
November 2014: program visitor for Electrical and Computer Engineering for accreditation visit at Universite de Trois-Rivieres (Quebec)
Service to IEEE Canada
2017-2019 Chair, Victoria Section
Service to the Canadian and international academic community
2018-ongoing: 1st Vice-President of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
2014-2018: Secretary (elected member of the executive committee) of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
2009-2012: Newsletter Editor for the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
Event Organization
Track Co-Chair: ICPR 2022 for Track 5: Document Analysis and Recognition
2022: 5th ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2020), Aug. 2022, Montreal, Canada (with Maia Hoeberechts)
2021: 4th ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2020), January 2021, online (with Maia Hoeberechts)
2018: 3rd ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2018), Aug. 2018, Beijing, China (with Maia Hoeberechts)
2016: 2nd ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2016), Dec. 2016, Cancun, Mexico (with Maia Hoeberechts)
2014: 1st ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2014), Aug. 2016, Stockholm, Sweden (with Maia Hoeberechts)
Grant and Program Reviewer
2021: member of international review committee for the NSERC CFREF program (VISTA - York University, Canada)
2021: member of review committee for the Academic Graduate Programs Review in Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University
2019-2020: member of the national NSERC Committee - Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering
2009, 2012, 2015, 2020: NATEQ (FQRNT) – International francophone committee for team grants evaluation
2008: Post-Doctoral Fellowships (Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research)
2008: Alberta Ingenuity New Faculty Award program
2005-ongoing NSERC Discovery Grants
2007: NSERC Idea to Innovation Program
2007: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
2010: National Science Foundation Merit Review
Journal Reviewer (Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Computer Vision Image Understanding , EURASIP Journal on Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine)
Conference Reviewer (ISVC 2019; CRV 2018,2019; ECCV 2020; ICPR 2020)
Invited Academic and Public Talks
Underwater Environmental Monitoring with Computer Vision Techniques, Keynote Lecture, AGM of NSERC CREATE ON DUTY, May 2023.
Computer Vision for Underwater Environmental Monitoring, Monterey Bay Research Acquarium, Monterey, United States, April 2019.
Advancing Academic Women in Science and Engineering, University of Uppsala, Sweden, May 2017.
Tutorial on State of the Art in Automated Analysis of Underwater Imagery (with M. Hoeberechts), IEEE Oceans, Monterey, United States, Sept. 2016.
Computer Vision for Environmental Monitoring, Invited Talk, Canadian Conference for Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Victoria, Canada, June 2016.
Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring (with M. Hoeberechts). Discover UVic (outreach activity for high school students and their parents), University of Victoria, Nov. 2015.
Analyse d’images de documents numeriques”, Invited talk at Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques, Universite Laval (sponsored by Prof. D. Laurendeau), Quebec City, May 2014.
Medical Imaging Research at UVic: an overview of recent results, Invited talk at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) (sponsored by Prof. Max Viergever), Utrecht, April 2012.
Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe? Café Scientifique, public presentation sponsored by the Center on Aging at UVic, Victoria, January 2012.
Towards Building Computer that See, Invited Presentation at Mount Douglas High-School, Victoria, October 2011.
Exploring New Horizons for Computer Vision, Invited Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin, sponsored by Prof. J.K. Aggarwal, Austin, December 2010.
Computer Vision Research at the UVic, Invited Seminar at SAP Vancouver, Dec. 2009.
New Horizons for Computer Vision, Invited Seminar at the School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, (sponsored by Prof. Lesley Shannon), Vancouver, November 2009.
Successful Industrial Partnerships, panel member, Creating Connections 2009, (sponsored by the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for BC), Maple Ridge, BC, September 2009.
Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Analysis with Applications to Health Care, Invited seminar at the University of Northern British Columbia, (sponsored by Prof. L. Chen), April 2008.
Computer Vision: Towards Building Computers that See, Invited Talk at the Brentwood College, UVic Speaker’s Bureau Series, Victoria, October 2008.
Analyse de Mouvement Humain dans le Contexte des Applications Biomedicales, Invited seminar at Laval University (sponsored by Prof. D. Laurendeau), Quebec City, September 2008.
Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Analysis with Applications to Health Care. Invited seminar at UBC (sponsored by Prof. E. A. Croft), Vancouver, July 2008.