aalbu at uvic dot ca
I am a Professor In Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. My work involves teaching, research, and service within academic, professional and local communities.
I teach undergraduate and graduate courses related to signal processing, image processing, and computer vision. Read more...
My research is about Computer Vision, which is a field of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on pattern recognition from image and video data. Read more...
Recent Publications (2022-2024)
Journal Articles
Slonimer A*, Dosso S, Branzan-Albu A, Cote M*, Porto Marques T*, Rezvanifar A*, Ersahin K, Mudge T and Gauthier S. (2022).
Classification of Herring, Salmon, and Bubbles in Multi-Frequency Echograms using U-Net Neural Networks.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
Cote, M*, Dash A*, and Branzan-Albu A. (2022).
Semantic Segmentation of Textured Mosaics.
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing.
Porto-Marques T*, Cote M*, Rezvanifar A*, Slonimer A*, Branzan-Albu A, Ersahin K., Gauthier S. (2022).
U-MSAA-Net: a Multi-Scale Additive Attention-Based Network for Pixel-Level Identification of Finfish and Krill in Echograms.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
Cote M* and Branzan-Albu A. (2022).
Attribute-Based Document Image Retrieval.
Int. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).
Conference Papers
McIntosh D* and Branzan-Albu A. (2024).
Unsupervised, Online, and On-The-Fly Anomaly Detection for Non-Stationary Image Distributions.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), Montreal.
Rico Espinosa A*, McIntosh D*, Branzan-Albu A. (2023).
An Efficient Approach for Underwater Image Improvement: Deblurring, Dehazing, and Color Correction.
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) Workshops, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, US
McIntosh D*, Porto-Marques T*, Branzan-Albu A, Rountree R, De Leo F. (2022).
TempNet: Temporal Attention Towards the Detection of Animal Behaviour in Videos.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022), Montreal
Slonimer A*, Cote M*, Porto Marques T*, Rezvanifar A*, Dosso S, Branzan-Albu A, Ersahin K, Mudge T and Gauthier S. (2022).
Instance Segmentation of Herring and Salmon Schools in Acoustic Echograms using a Hybrid U-Net.
IEEE Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2022), Toronto, (8-15)
Dash A* and Branzan-Albu A*. (2022).
Classification of Handwritten Annotations in Mixed-Media Documents.
19th Conference on Robots and Vision (CRV 2022), Toronto, (151-158)
Alizadeh M*, Cote M*, Branzan-Albu A. (2022).
Towards Durability Estimation of Bioprosthetic Heart Valvesvia Motion Symmetry Analysis.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2022)